Post: Assistant Professor level in African languages. Michigan State University
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Nota muy importante: Centro Panafricano no es la entidad que realiza estas ofertas y por tanto no proporciona ningún tipo de información sobre las mismas, asimismo Centro Panafricano no es responsable de la veracidad ni de la exactitud de cada oferta.
From The Department of Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages, Michigan State University.
The Department of Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages at Michigan State University seeks to fill a one-year renewable, fixed-term, full-time position at the Assistant Professor level in African languages to begin on August 16, 2011. The language area is open but preference will be given to a southern African language, e.,g., isiZulu or isiXosa. Teaching duties will include a 0.5 appointment teaching one of the African languages offered in the department and a 0.5 appointment coordinating a learner-oriented, on-demand, program ensuring the availability of languages needed by students for all major regions of Africa. Experience with distance-learning courses and technology is preferred. The successful candidate will be able to build the African Languages program and will benefit from a supportive language community that includes the MSU African Studies Center, a newly established language support center, expanding Less Commonly Taught Language programs, world-renowned study abroad initiatives and a strong Second Language Studies doctoral program. Ph.D. required by time of appointment. Review of applications will begin on March 11, 2011.
Send letter of application describing your teaching and research interests, vita, three letters of recommendation to: Thomas Lovik, Chair, A-615 Wells Hall, Department of Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48825-1027.
Applications may also be submitted electronically to Cathy Fields (fields@msu.edu). Persons with disabilities have a right to request and receive reasonable accommodation. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Michigan State University is an AA/EOE institution.
Jobs, Michigan State University, Ofertas de trabajo, Posts, Recruitments
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