Du Bois Review: Two free articles from the latest issue
The latest issue of the Du Bois Review (Volume 7, Number 2), entitled "Questioning Blackness, Claiming Humanitiy", contains two articles that all concerned with racism, cultural studies, politics, and gender issues should read:
Race Doesn't Matter, Race Matters: Starbucks, Consumption and the Appeal of the Performance of Colorblindness, by Bryant Simon
Articulating A Politics of (Multiple) Identities: LGBT Sexuality and Inclusion in Black Community Life, by Mignon R. Moore
...The Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race is an innovative periodical that presents and analyzes the best cutting-edge research on race from the social sciences. It provides a forum for discussion and increased understanding of race and society from a range of disciplines. Each issue includes three substantive sections, where essays, think-pieces, empirical research, book reviews, special feature essays, and occasionally debates appear.
Each issue also includes a conversation between Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and an eminent scholar on broad areas of research regarding race. The most recent interview is with Professor Isabel Wilkerson.
For more information about the journal, including subscription information and instructions for contributors, go to the journal's homepage.
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