Comunicado por la muerte de tres pacientes africanos en hospitales en España
El Centro Panafricano informa: Debido a los terribles acontecimientos que parecen señalar errores por parte del sistema de salud en España con la muerte de tres personas africanas (o de origen africano), y teniendo en cuenta que se nos ha comunicado que con cierta frecuencia ciudadanos africanos se sienten desatendidos por el sistema público de salud, y teniendo en cuenta además que países como Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido ya han reconocido la existencia de más casos de negligencia médica con pacientes negros que con pacientes de otras razas: el Centro Panafricano avisa que se mantendrá vigilante en el análisis del número de muertos por presumibles negligencias médicas asociadas. Asimismo recomendamos a los pacientes africanos que acudan a los Centros de Salud que sean todo los persistentes que consideren oportuno en su demanda de atención sanitaria y se informen de los cauces de reclamación existentes.
En Madrid a 17 de julio de 2009.
The Panafrican Center reports: Due to the terrible facts that seems to show errors of the Public Health Care system in Spain, with the death of three African/African origin patients, and also taking account that we've been advised that frequently African citizens feel that they are less attended in the Spanish public Health Care system, and being aware that countries such as the USA and the United Kingdom have recognized that black patients are subjected to more medical errors than patients from other races: The Panafrican Center alerts that will be vigilant analyzing the numbers of deaths due to medical negligence. Also Panafrican Center recommends to the African patients to be as persistent as needed in their demand of medical assistance in the Public Medical Health care Centers, and to be informed of the actual reclamation procedures.
In Madrid 17th July 2009
En Madrid a 17 de julio de 2009.
The Panafrican Center reports: Due to the terrible facts that seems to show errors of the Public Health Care system in Spain, with the death of three African/African origin patients, and also taking account that we've been advised that frequently African citizens feel that they are less attended in the Spanish public Health Care system, and being aware that countries such as the USA and the United Kingdom have recognized that black patients are subjected to more medical errors than patients from other races: The Panafrican Center alerts that will be vigilant analyzing the numbers of deaths due to medical negligence. Also Panafrican Center recommends to the African patients to be as persistent as needed in their demand of medical assistance in the Public Medical Health care Centers, and to be informed of the actual reclamation procedures.
In Madrid 17th July 2009
Comunicados, Diáspora, España, Flu A N1 H1, Gripe A N1 H1, Noticias, Spain
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